Meilleur Logiciel CRM Gratuit | Utilisateurs Illimités | Agence NeedyMindSet
Meilleur Logiciel CRM Gratuit | Utilisateurs Illimités | Agence NeedyMindSet
Best Free CRM Software | Unlimited Users | NeedyMindSet Agency

Want to convert many more qualified leads ?

Discover LeadGen, the all-in-one CRM specialized in lead generation and lead automation. Take advantage of our current offer, 50% discount on the marketing platform.

Need help finding qualified leads ? Let us help you in this adventure.


Best Free CRM Software | Unlimited Users | NeedyMindSet Agency

Why choose LeadGen to manage your qualified leads ?

More than 200 tools from experts in B2B/B2C lead generation.

We will save you time and money.

Very competitive rates for exceptional quality.

Complete management of your prospects (capture, tracking, conversion).

A responsive, available and easy to use platform.

Focus on your business, we take care of the rest.

We look forward to advising you on all your automation needs.


How to benefit from our 7-day free trial and 50% off ?

Want to discover how LeadGen can transform your prospecting ?


We are currently offering a 7-day FREE trial. No installation required, no credit card, no commitment. Also enjoy an exclusive 50% discount on the annual subscription for NeedyMindSet readers. Take advantage now and boost your prospecting !

Step 1: Click the button below.

Step 2: Register here and then on the LeadGen page.

Step 3: In the dashbord, click on "Update my account".

Step 4: Add the code LEADGEN1A in the "Subscription" tab.

Step 5: Start capturing, tracking and converting your leads.

Best Free CRM Software | Unlimited Users | NeedyMindSet Agency
Best Free CRM Software | Unlimited Users | NeedyMindSet Agency

Who are we ?

LeadGen is a SaaS platform for B2B/B2C lead generation, belonging to the NeedyMindSet agency created by Olivier Clotaire in 2019. Our mission is to help companies maximize their prospecting potential through innovative tools and a user-centric approach.


We are a passionate team committed to offering you the best possible service. The satisfaction of our customers is our top priority, and we are committed to doing everything possible not to disappoint you.


Thousands of customers trust us for our seriousness and commitment to their success. We hope to have the opportunity to help you unlock the potential of your business very soon!

Are you ready to find buyers for your products ?

Best Free CRM Software | Unlimited Users | NeedyMindSet Agency

LeadGen ™ powered by Agence NeedyMindSet

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